If you’ve landed on my site, chances are that you or a loved one is suffering from bed pressure ulcers. You know what? YOU ARE AT THE RIGHT PLACE.
Like you, I looked all over the internet for practical information, one-on-one guidance, and support concerning bed sores, I couldn’t find it.
I’ve created this site in a quest to help my grandmother fight and heal her bed sores.
I want to make this loud and clear I do NOT have medical knowledge, nor will I provide any of that on this website. But I have found helpful information that has worked for me, and will continue to conduct my own research on how to deal with this condition on a day to day basis… My goal is to provide practical ways to deal with the mental, emotional needs, meal preparation, and guide you to helpful products.
In details… I decided to dedicate this website to my grandmother due to her experience in the hospital and her personal health problems. My grandmother (82 years of age) was hospitalized due to a heart attack and was stated in critical condition. She was placed in the CICU “Critical Intensive Care Unit”. She was in the hospital for about 2 months; unfortunately they do not tell you this but patients who are intubated, and who are on respiratory machines do not get moved every two hours. (from side to side) Since my grandmother is in her late 80’s her body created a stage 4 pressure sore on her coccyx (tail bone exposed) and upper back (stage 2 redness and skin breakdown). Her non-debrided wound was the size of an adult hand; we had to battle several doctors and their negative opinions about giving up. We were finally able to get her a wound Vac that was placed into her wound. Nurses and Doctors were not positive about her pressure sore healing due to her poor nutrition and comprised health conditions. Several surgeons did not think that her wound had a good chance of healing and were not convinced that she could go home. I refused to send her to a nursing home I felt that I could turn her room into an appropriate setting in order to heal. After extensive research about pressure sores I was able to find several websites that helped inform me how to properly treat pressure sores at home and what type of products were needed.
I have created this website in order to show caregivers how to take care of their loved ones who might run into the same issues that my family and I encountered. Caregivers and family members are not well informed nor heavily educated in how to treat these types of wounds at home. Most importantly what websites to look at in order to get the supplies that are necessary? Some of the products that I have purchased such as Kendall wound dressings, wound cleanser, sheepskin, and many more products have been helpful in my grandmothers healing process. In addition to this, I have some great nutritional websites that help patients improve their nutritional diet that help heal wounds. I hope these websites help you and your loved ones as much as they have helped me.
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