Oral Thrush In Your Mouth

I remember totally freaking out when I saw my loving grandmother with oral thrush on her tongue. I  thought she had some type of disease or something. Until I educated myself in what thrush was and how to get rid of it safely. Thrush is when a tongue looks white in patches or even sometimes, it can be all over the tongue. My grandmother however had it on her tongue only when she was on a liquid diet and had a feeding tube or (Peg Tube people who have trouble swallowing food). When I first saw this thrush in her mouth, I had no idea that it is a type of oral yeast infection. Which can be caused if you have recently taken antibiotics for a long period of time, or sometimes if you do not brush your teeth often which is not uncommon in infants and the elderly. One of the things that I have found that help get rid of  thrush is getting a soft swab stick and rubbing oregano oil (just a few drops). The taste is actually not that bad and helps kill the bad bacteria which then keeps your mouth healthy and clean.

Most importantly…..something to think about is that Thrush can spread to other parts of the body, including a persons lungs, liver, and skin. This happens more often in people with people who have a very weak immune system. Which means that you need to make sure to mention this to a doctor and make sure that you are doing something about it.